Remote interviewing – Top Tips
Prior to 2020, agencies and the majority of businesses in the legal sector would typically interview a candidate in person for every stage of the process. Now that everything is remote for the most part, how does this impact your job search? We’ve pulled together some helpful information on how to get the most out […]
Homeworking Experiences
It’s been quite a ‘strange’ 12 months to say the least with the vast majority of us now working from home. We’ve spoken with countless lawyers at all levels since lockdown, but whether furloughed and returned to work, or if there has been no break, without exception all have experienced time away from the office […]
Social Media Clean Up
With the rise in popularity of Social media over the past 10 to 15 years, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are now so common, you would be hard pushed to find anyone who is not a member of at least one of these networks. On a more professional level, LinkedIn is being […]
Interview Tips
So, after honing your CV skills, carefully researching the market and applying for relevant opportunities, you have finally managed to get an interview with a law firm that will take your career to the next level, but, what next? How much prep should you do? What type of interview will it be? How many stages […]
CV Advice
Your CV is, to put it bluntly, the first impression you provide any law firm. The importance of this can not be underestimated no matter what level of seniority you happen to be and so below is a list of frequently asked questions to assist in getting your ‘foot in the door.’